C then asks N what N is eating-J answers for N-J states that N is eating “a jizz omelette”-N confirms that N is eating “a jizz omelette”-C asks with a combination of disbelief and belief whether J is truly cooking an omelette with sperm-it is confirmed that in fact J is cooking an omelette comprised of butter, egg, and his own sperm- C realizes that they are breathing in vaporized sperm-C leaves the room and tells other housemates: O and her lover, K.
C also notices that N (who is J’s lover) is sitting at the table eating. C notes a smell that has a deep and foul base note. C notices steam flowing upward from the pan towards the ceiling. J’s housemate, C, has just woken and enters the kitchen.
I ape their method because it is a faster way to sketch the breakdown of relations in an early 90’s rental apartment in Boston: It dithers this way because their work meanders between making traumatic records, spelunking in the unconscious, and directing the patient through a labyrinth of ranked governance. More specifically, why not siphon their professional form of note-taking-one that dithers between stage direction and poem and police incident report. Let’s channel twentieth-century psychoanalysts. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. Club Foot flyer, 1986. Aaron Cometbus Punk and Underground Press Collection, #8107.